2024... Oof.
The primary season for the 2024 election is now underway, and it's not surprising if you are approaching it all with a certain certain sense of dread.
I can say with a pretty high degree of confidence that it's going to be an unusually weird year. I couldn't begin to count all of the court cases that are coming up, any one of which could have a huge impact on the year. If you are curious I did find these two timelines (WE and JustSecurity). There are cases that may have results as soon as tomorrow that could have a major impact.
In a prior post, I included some information on a potential Texas referendum for Texit. There's been no movement since March, so I think at this point it can be pretty clearly filed under "PR stunt."
If you are interested in tracking the state of the election, I'd recommend a few sites, including 270toWin.com (illustrating the six states that will likely decide the election) and PoliticalWire.com (I highly recommend the subscription for a nice, clean news feed of current political events). Considering that the election will likely come down to about 400,000 votes (easily under 50,000)... well, yeah. 2024 is going to be a lot.
In totally mundane news, I updated the website underlying axmoss.com to a new platform (Ghost). My hope that this site will be easier to manage - and (somewhat terrifyingly) I've gone ahead and flipped on comments as an experiment. Be nice.
As a final note, I'm somewhat amused to note this review on the book on Amazon:

...which, honestly, not even remotely surprising. I think I can live with this, although it's a bummer this drags the overall rating down. If, by chance, you happened to like the book a bit more than this reviewer, I'd appreciate it if you took a moment to give it a review and/or rating.
If you have any questions you'd like me to address in a future post, just let me know!